All The Drama On Shiloh Living With Brad, Explained

While some celebrity divorces are amicable, the same can’t be said for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who has been in an irreconcilable custody battle for their six kids ever since Angie filed for divorce back in 2016. After years, the battle evidently came to an end in 2021, with Brad ultimately receiving joint custody. But the drama doesn’t end there.

Due to her suspicions that the judge in the case wasn’t an independent third party (he officiated their wedding in 2014) nor honest about his relationship with Pitt, the legal struggles started up once again. While all this has happened, many of their children have become adults. In May 2024, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt will turn 18. 

As Shiloh approaches adulthood, she’s begun to assert her individuality and expand her social circle. According to a Life & Style source, Shiloh has been earning thousands of dollars weekly and started dating. As she nears 18, the daughter of Brad and Angelina is grappling with significant decisions about her future, such as education and career. While she hasn’t made any firm choices yet, she has decided to live with her dad, as revealed by an insider who spoke with InTouch Weekly.

Excited for some change in her life and described as “daddy’s little girl,” the two have a close relationship due to their shared passions for culture, basketball, and history. It’s also noted that Brad is thrilled about living with his daughter. 

Angelina Jolie wants to honor Shiloh’s independence

Although Angelina wasn’t happy with the news, a source says that she knows Shiloh has grown into a young woman and should have her autonomy. As a result, she wants to encourage her daughter to make her own decisions and be independent. One perk for the star is that Pitt lives near the Jolie household.

While Shiloh is navigating her own path, the situation with Pitt’s partner, Ines de Ramon, remains uncertain. The Swiss beauty moved in with Pitt some time ago but had not yet met his children, so the three of them living together might be a little awkward or tense. However, the InTouch Weekly source claimed that Pitt wasn’t concerned about the dynamic between his daughter and romantic partner and felt optimistic about the situation. This dynamic is something to keep an eye on as the story unfolds. 

Apparently, Shiloh’s siblings don’t feel the same and have mixed feelings about Shiloh moving in with their dad. Beyond the custody battle, Pitt and Jolie have been in a legal dispute regarding their formerly jointly-owned winery since 2022. In this court case, some disturbing details have come to light, like a hair-raising 2015 plane incident where Pitt supposedly verbally and physically abused both Jolie and their kids, as stated by documents that the New York Times obtained. 

Shiloh’s unique perspective on her parents’ divorce

When one considers this alleged abuse, it’s obvious that the six children have a complicated relationship with their dad. While some have cut off their ties with him entirely, Shiloh has decided to approach things with compassion and not hold Pitt’s erratic behavior against him, instead encouraging him to remain sober and more reliable. 

She also remains hopeful that her parents will finalize their divorce and move on positively. Rather than picking favorites, Shiloh Jolie Pitt approaches both sides with empathy and isn’t too critical of either parent. 

Her main hope is that her family is “whole and happy again,” according to another Life & Style Magazine source. While she knows things will never be the same, she hopes to see them be friends one day or at least on amicable terms. 

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